Welcome to L.A.N.D. TM
Living a New Day
Cindy Sheridan Murphy
Supporting Women with
ALL Types of Cancer
A person is not defined by what happens to them, they are defined by how they respond to what happens to them.
Welcome to L.A.N.D. TM
What is the L.A.N.D. Program?
L.A.N.D. –Living a New Day, A New Norm is a guided program which offers you a step-by-step process, paired with knowledge and skills to create positive outcomes for living a sustainable future. It is based on the premise that life after a cancer diagnosis is simply different; and you can not only survive but thrive in the new norm.
A letter from me to you ,
If you are here, chances are you’re on the cancer journey. Living A New Day (L.A.N.D.) has been designed to help YOU feel like the best version of yourself and live a more purposeful life after your cancer diagnosis. It is based on the premise that life after cancer is not only different, but an opportunity for a journey of personal growth and empowerment that survivors can embark with the help of each other.
The lessons and discussion can act as a road map to help deal with the unknown and the what ifs of life with, during and after a cancer diagnosis. Together, we will encourage you to create a new norm for living when you are feeling “just not the same”
With Love & Gratitude,
L.A.N.D. Living a New Day 8 Week Survivorship Program TM
Week 1: Getting to know your guidebook and identifying goals for this workshop
What Are Your Values? Handout
Week 2: Nourishing your Body/Mind/Spirit learning strategies for coping and relaxing your body.
Your body is still a work of art even though you may not see yourself as you once were.
Week 3: Vulnerability aspect to surviving
Emotional -Physical-Financial-Spiritual Vulnerability
Week 4: Values & transforming daily routines into joyful rituals
“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things” – Robert Brault
Week 5: – How to respond to the question of “WHY?”
“FEAR” false evidence appearing real
Week 6: The best thing that ever happened to me, Really?
What are some positive outcomes you have received since experiencing cancer
Week 7: Humor
Chemo is a form of therapy…so is laughter.”- Eileen Kaplan
Week 8: Letter to Self
I hope you dance
I feel that I came out a better person after this experience and met people I may have not met otherwise. Lisa D.
Cindy has a great mind and I'm thankful she creative this after Care group because it's desperately needed. We have nothing else here in this area for people like us. We need support, we need to have a place where we feel comfortable even if we can't go every week at least we can check in every week or get emails or Facebook or phone calls or texts. We need this. Others will need this. Local is good. Irvinia S.
I found the event to be very informative in so many ways. Subject matter, the way in which it was presented and the comfortable and friendly atmosphere of each and every session. I found that all of us women were experiencing a lot of the same feelings and it was so good to be able to share those feelings with others who understood. It also helped with confidence!
Paula H
Leaders were great. It was beneficial to have multiple “veterans” in attendance to provide differing perspectives and experiences.
Meggan M
As part of the Land Experience you will receive ...
Life time access to all Each Moment We're Alive programs
Work book & Action Guide
10 steps to nourish yourself thrive ebook link
Access to the Each Moment We're Alives community referred to as "Circle of Angels" private Facebook group
***BONUS*** Laughter is the BREAST medicine book by Eileen A. Kaplan
Final Words from Cindy - Why not start ....
I remember the day I heard those words "you've got cancer" the uncertainties, the unknown. i felt alone and lost. Since my diagnosis I have partnered with singer,-songwriter Debra Lynn Alt and many other women. Together we have cared a path of purpose to help lighten this challenging road for others. i learned new skills and have applied what I've learned to help others not only get through, but grow and add new meaning to our newly altered lives, otherwise referred to as "just not the same"