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Surveys from L.A.N.D. Survivorship Program


The facilitators are all cancer survivors. They know what it's like to go through the rigors of treatment and  the after effects from those treatments from experience unlike groups I've attended. unless you have gone through cancer treatments.  What is really special about the support group is we have all become friends. When one of us is having a particular hard time physically and emotionally one of will either go sit with that person, maybe give them a hug or go into another room to talk privately and sometimes also to pray with or for that person that is going through a hard time. Now that's what I call unconditional support and caring for one another !  Nancy F.

I was initially diagnosed with stage one breast cancer to my left breast in 2009 and was treated with lumpectomy,

radiation and tamoxifen. I thought I was done with cancer. Boy was I wrong. I didn’t realize 30% of women with early stage cancer will develop metastasis (late stage breast cancer that spread to organs such as bone, liver, and lungs). Then in December of 2015 the worst nightmare of my life started. The cancer has spread to the bone and is now terminal, stage four. In 2019, I reluctantly joined a support group fearful I would not fit in being stage four and instead found this group to be one of the most compassionate and caring groups of women led by Cindy Sheridan-Murphy. I am blessed to be part of the support group “EachMoment We’re Alive” of inspiring strong women. Lisa C.

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